Helping you look & Feel 10 years younger
About Ruth Clark, RD, MPH
As a seasoned practitioner with many years of experience in nutrition and wellness, Ruth offers sound advice through custom designed nutrition programs for individuals and groups. Her core philosophy centers around a holistic, personalized approach to health and healing based on a variety of nutrition therapies including whole foods, tailored supplements and mind-body modalities.
It was from that personalized approach that she realized most of the struggle with weight management her middle aged clients were experiencing was due to out of control inflammation, unbalanced hormones and an unhealthy gut. Since then she has made it her mission to learn everything she can about the root cause of these imbalance to help her clients age gracefully and substantially reduce risk for chronic disease.
She knows firsthand how it feels to have your body take on a life of its own — and not always in a positive direction. In mid-life despite eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, she found herself exhausted, stressed, and gaining weight. In addition her immune system which had always been iron clad started going sideways. You can see the inflammation and bloating in the Before picture below. Understanding and dealing with the root cause of her issues brought her back to balanced health. You can do this too!
Ruth Clark is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a B.S. in Human Nutrition, a Master’s degree in Public Health from Boston University School of Medicine and over 35 years of experience in the health care field. She has held positions at both Harvard and Tufts teaching hospitals, corporate America, and was formerly Executive Director of Wellness Programming for the Deaconess Hospital in Boston.
Ruth is author of the recently published book, COOL THE FIRE: Curb Inflammation and Balance Hormones which became an Amazon #1 Best Seller. The book is based on her experience with thousands of clients and includes 28 days of Mindful Menus along with more than 150 delicious, easy, healthful recipes.
She is a nationally known nutrition lecturer, a former member of the Scientific Advisory Board for several nutrition related companies, has authored several articles in medical journals and the lay press, and has produced a series of nationally distributed CD’s on nutrition supplementation. She is also certified by the Mind-Body Institute of Boston.
As a functional nutrition expert with many years of experience in nutrition and wellness, Ruth offers sound advice through custom designed nutrition programs for individuals and groups. Her core philosophy centers around a holistic, personalized approach to health and healing based on a variety of nutrition therapies including whole foods, tailored supplements and mind body modalities.
She knows firsthand how it feels to have your body take on a life of its own — and not always in a positive direction. About 10 years ago, despite eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, she was exhausted and stressed, gaining weight and her immune system which had always been very strong started going sideways. Using the expertise and systems she wants to share with you brought her back to balanced health.
Now Available - Ruth's New Book
Curb Inflammation
and Balance Hormones
28 Days to Renewed Vitality
Mindful Menus and more than 150 Recipes
Purchase online or at your Local Bookstore

As a functional nutrition expert who believes food is medicine, Ruth gets to the root cause of the problem to help her clients uncover what is truly right for their individual metabolism and physiology. She will act as a partner and guide on the journey.
If you are looking for a seasoned nutrition professional who thoroughly understands the science behind food, nutrition and supplements and can translate that into a plan that works for you, please contact us for more details.
Working with Ruth
Our specialty is working with mid-life women who want to improve their energy and vitality to look and feel 10 years younger by helping them balance hormones and addressing inflammation.
State of the art weight management programs for men and women lead to long term weight maintenance. We also provide customized programs to reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes as well as programs designed to improve gut health and function.
Each person is unique requiring different approaches to help create positive changes. Sessions with Ruth can help you discover and correct the eating patterns that may be leading to low energy, weight gain, ill health, dependence on too many medications, poor digestion, high cholesterol, mood issues and more.
Most of us have a fairly good idea of what we should be eating on a regular basis. But knowledge is often not enough to make the changes that are required to help move toward better health. In order to promote permanent change; emotions, behavior change and the mind-body connection need to be considered.
Ruth practices from a holistic perspective which means looking at all aspects of a person’s needs including psychological, physical and social as they relate to your nutrition and lifestyle. A busy single mom has different eating and lifestyle challenges than a business person who travels extensively. To create long term change we believe all of these facets need to be taken into account and seen as a whole to work with individuals to create a lifestyle/nutrition plan.
Ruth offers online and phone counseling for individuals who lead a busy lifestyle. In person, one-on-one attention for clients in Southern New Hampshire is available at our Peterborough office.
How we can Help
Healthy Adrenals
Healthy Heart
Gut Health
Thyroid Disease
Hormone Imbalance
Food Sensitivities
Weight Loss Resistance
Ruth Clark, RD, MPH
Smart Nutrition LLC
Peterborough, NH 03458